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Immunity begins with Mom!

1. A newborn's immunity is directly linked with the mother's immune system.

2. Pregnancy makes women more susceptible to severe ailments & infections.

3. The Federation of Obstetric & Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI) shares a compulsory immunization schedule for pregnant women.##


There are certain guidelines to be followed:

1. Rubella/German measles: Pregnancy should be deferred for 3 months.

2. Human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV): The vaccine for Human Papillomavirus related to causing cervical cancer is significantly effective. Two doses are to be given at an interval of 6 months and also to women under 15yrs.

3. Varicella vaccine: Pregnancy should be avoided for a month after administering the vaccine.

4. Hepatitis B (HepB): 2 or 3 doses are required depending on the brand.

During pregnancy**

The following immunization is strongly recommended for all pregnant women:

1. Influenza: Influenza vaccination is recommended for mothers after 26 weeks. 

2. Tdap/Td: To prevent Tetanus, Diphtheria, whooping cough and a single dose of the Tdap vaccine during the third trimester of each pregnancy is necessary. 

3. Hepatitis B: This vaccine is mandatory if one has a specific risk factor for Hepatitis B.

Some more vaccines might be given depending on the particular situation, like Hepatitis A (HepA), Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b), Meningococcal B (MenB), Pneumococcal Pneumovax (PPSV).

However, please consult with your gynaecologist before taking any vaccines.

Immunization in the Post Partum period##
After delivery, the following vaccines may be administered:

1. Influenza

2. Rubella (MMR)

3. Varicella




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