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Things to Know Before Donating Blood

Every unit of blood you donate can save up to three lives. The donated blood is separated into different components and is vital for people suffering from blood disorders, accidents, or surgeries. There are people struggling for life out there and you have the power to save them. If you have been planning on participating in the noble deed of blood donation, you should be aware of certain guidelines that can help you get a pleasant experience during and post-donation. 

In this article, we will go over a few points that you should know before donating blood. Let's begin!

Blood Donation Eligibility

Not every person is qualified to give blood. First off, the base age for blood donation in India is 18 years. Anybody under this age ought not to give blood. This age limitation has been based on wellbeing for individuals younger than 18. There is no higher age-group restriction for a blood donation. In any case, it is in your best interest to have a health insurance plan in case of an emergency. 

You should weigh over 50kg and the blood pressure must be between 90/50 and 180/100 to be qualified for donation. In the event that you are experiencing cough, cold, or fever, hold off the donation until it settles. On account of constant illnesses, the donation ought not to be made. You should not have any STDs to give blood. On account of gonorrhea or syphilis, the donation should be put off till a year after the treatment is finished. 

Aside from this, a female donor must not be menstruating or pregnant during donation.

Dangers Associated with Blood Donation

There are typically minor issues after blood donation. Momentary issues incorporate wounding around the needle zone, sore arm, dizziness, and nerve irritation. Specialists have likewise seen a slight iron lack in long-term contributors. This is on the grounds that the contributor's body loses some iron in the process each time. Ordinarily, there are no blood-related issues observed by the giver on the grounds that the human body can reestablish the liquid within 24 hours of the donation.

Food and Medication

Prior to giving blood, it is important to deal with your physical health It shields you and your future blood recipient from any issues. 

Drink a lot of water and eat well for two or three days prompting your donation day. Maintain a distance from greasy food, liquor, and smoking. Ensure you get enough rest the night prior to the donation. In the event that you are a platelet contributor, don't take any ibuprofen for a few days before the donation. 

After you give your blood, eat a few desserts and a ton of iron-rich food. It helps in recovering the iron loss.

Advantages for the Donor

blood donation improves your cardiovascular health colossally by managing the progression of blood, helping you keep heart-related problems under control. Also, this honorable aim gives a feeling of fulfillment, hoisting your psychological wellness, and causing you to feel more joyful. 

Blood donation doesn't get you an honor, yet the feeling of satisfaction is worth a lot more. Your liberal commitment to society can conceivably spare numerous lives with every ounce of your blood. While you save lives, remember to protect yours and buy health insurance to keep you safe lifelong.