Petrol or diesel? This is one of the biggest confusions confronted by everyone when buying a car. People often go around asking their friends and relatives, owners of specific cars, with experience - whether to go for a diesel variant or a petrol variant, if you also are looking for an answer to this most asked question, then this blog is for you. Here will discuss some important factors that you should take into consideration while making a decision. No matter which car you opt, make sure you also buy
car insurance online so any mishap doesn't hurt your pocket
Listed below are the factors that can help you make a decision.
• Average travel and frequency:
If you travel regularly and cover long distances then going for diesel is the right thing. And if you travel less and do not have to cover long distances, a petrol variant can also be preferred.
• Maintenance
Maintenance of a diesel car can cost you more than a petrol car. However, the servicing cost for both cars is quite the same, but the components of diesel cars cost more than petrol car components. Hence, a diesel car would cost you more than a petrol car throughout its life.
• Cost
When it comes to cost while buying the car, a diesel variant is relatively more expensive than the petrol variant consisting of the same specifications. The cost difference can range from 50,000 to 1 lakh. But also, when it comes to life, diesel cars last longer and their value belittles relatively slower than the petrol variants, which makes it a preferable choice for the commuters needing to cover long distances.
• Mileage
Diesel cars pull off better mileage when compared to petrol cars. This is because diesel engines don't require a spark plug.
• Resale Value
The resale value of diesel cars is quite higher than petrol cars. Also, diesel cars depreciate less and slower.
• Car Insurance
Insurance cost of the car is directly proportional to the value of the car. However, the range can differ from 10 to 15% and is generally higher for the diesel variants when compared to petrol variants. Another factor that contributes to the higher
motor insurance premium is expensive car components and extra replacement in case the car gets stolen.