To diagnose brittle bone disease your doctor will ask you to take X-rays. This diagnostic test will help your doctor to see current and past broken bones. This diagnostic test will also make it easier for your doctor to view defects in your bones. These lab tests will help the doctor to properly analyze the structure of your child's collagen.
In some scenarios, your doctor will ask you to go through a skin punch biopsy. In this biopsy, your doctor will use a hollow, sharp tube to remove a small part of your tissue.
Your doctor might ask you to go through genetic testing as it can trace the source of any defective genes.
There is no cure available for brittle bone disease. However, certain therapies will reduce the risk of broken bones in your child. These therapies will also increase the quality of life. Some of the treatments for the brittle bone disease are mentioned below:
Occupational and physical therapies that can enhance your child's muscle strength and mobility.Medications like Bisphosphonate that helps strengthen your child's bonesMedications that reduce any pain in the boneExercises that help in making bones strong Your doctor might prescribe to insert a rod in your child's bone via surgery Reconstructive surgery that can correct bone deformitiesCounseling that can make patient strong mentally