What Is Bone Fracture?
A fracture is a medical term utilized for a broken bone. Fractures are common. According to a recent study, the average person has two during a lifetime. A bone fracture occurs when the physical force exerted on the bone is stronger than the bone itself. However, a fracture may also be the outcome of some medical conditions which weaken the bones, for example, osteogenesis imperfecta, osteoporosis, or some cancers.
The symptoms and signs of a fracture vary based on which bone is affected, the patient’s general health and age, as well as the seriousness of the injury. However, they mostly include some of the following:
Angulation – the affected area may get bent in an unusual wayThe patient cannot move the affected area
The affected joint or bone may have a grating sensationThe patient is unable to put weight on the fractured area
Discolored skin around the affected area
If it is an open fracture, there may be some bleeding also
When a large bone is fractured, such as the femur or pelvis:
The sufferer may look clammy and paleFeelings of nausea and sickness. There may be dizziness (feeling faint)
If possible, do not move a person with a broken bone until a healthcare expert is present and can handle the situation and, if needed, apply a splint.