To diagnose whether you are suffering from asthma or not, your doctor will ask you about your medical history and perform several physical exams. You may require the need to go through tests such as lung function test, chest, or sinus X-ray.
Physical exam:If your doctor thinks you have asthma, they will do a physical examination on you. They will inspect your eyes, ears, nose, skin, throat, chest, and lungs.
Lung function tests:
Your doctor may ask you to go through lung function tests to be more precise. These tests measure your breathing. Lung function tests used to detect asthma include:
FeNO tests (exhaled nitric oxide)SpirometryProvocation testsPeak airflow
Based on the diagnosis your doctor will prescribe you some medications and will advise you to make some changes in your lifestyle.
Other methods to treat asthma:
Corticosteroid medications that are used as preventers help lessen the body’s reaction to triggers and reduce swelling.A patient can take inhalers that contain properties of both symptom controller and preventer medications.Other inhalers are Leukotriene modifiers, Corticosteroids, Long-acting beta-agonists, Theophylline, and combination inhalers.Bronchial Thermoplasty is for the patients that do not respond to any medication.
The cost of 16 grams of fluticasone is around Rs. 1,100, whereas short-acting beta-agonists cost around Rs. 650 – Rs. 4,000 in India. The costs of consultations and check-ups vary from doctor to doctor.