Just like taking a blood pressure reading, diagnosing hypertension is also simple. If you are facing any problem, your doctor will take your blood pressure and if your blood pressure is on the elevated side, your doctor might ask you to take more readings over the next few days. One cannot diagnose hypertension with just one reading. This is because sometimes, the environment can contribute majorly to increased blood pressure, such as the stress that you may feel by being in the doctor’s office. One should also know that the level of blood pressure changes throughout the day.
If your blood pressure remains high for some days, your doctor might conduct more tests to rule out underlying conditions. Given below is the name of the tests:
Cholesterol screening and other blood testsUrine testTest of your heart’s electrical activity with the help of an electrocardiogram Ultrasound of your kidneys or heart
These tests give your doctor a clearer picture of secondary issues that might be causing an elevation in your blood pressure. These tests also help them to look at the effects of high blood pressure on your organs.
Once the tests are done, your doctor may begin treating your hypertension because studies have shown that early treatment can reduce the risk of long-lasting damage.
To regulate your blood pressure, your doctor may advise you to take water pills to remove the excess water from the body. Along with that your doctor may also recommend you use beta-blockers which reduces the pressure of the blood through the veins.
Your doctor will ask you to make some changes in your lifestyle and suggest some dietary changes that might bring the associated symptoms under control. If you are a chain-smoker, you will have to quit it or your health will be in danger.