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Cashless Health Insurance Policy


Cashless Health Insurance

Cashless Health Insurance is a policy in which the hospital expenses are settled directly between the insurance company and the network hospital. No cash has to be paid by the insurance policy holder.

​​The surge in healthcare costs has made it almost impossible for the common man to come up with enough money for good quality healthcare. That’s where Cashless health insurance comes into the picture. Cashless mediclaim policy enables the common man to receive good quality healthcare services without having to pay anything from his end. Cashless mediclaim policy is basically a health insurance plan which provides the benefit of cashless hospitalization in the hospitals in their network. Rather than paying for the medication by struggling and arranging money, cashless medical insurance offers a refreshing alternative where the health insurance company will directly pay for your hospital expenses.​

Reliance HealthGain Health Insurance policy is a cashless health insurance policy that provides amazing coverage at an affordable price. It also offers family floater cashless mediclaim policy and senior citizen health insurance​ in India​

What Are The Features of Reliance's Cashless Medical Insurance​?

Reliance Cashless Health Insurance

​ ​Reliance cashless mediclaim policy 
​offers a 5% discount for single women or girl child
Reliance Cashless Health Insurance 5% Premium discount ​for existing ​Reliance Private Car Packa​ge Policyholders
Reliance Cashless Health Insurance  Coverage for immediate & extended family members   Reliance Cashless Health Insurance   Avail tax deductions till Rs. 35,000 under section 80D​
Reliance Cashless Health Insurance   Re-instatement of base sum insured, if you've exhausted the total sum insured on your cashless medical insurance policy.  Reliance Cashless Health Insurance Cashless hospitalis​at​ion in over 10,000​+ preferred network hospitals across India.