People work hard for several years, to save money so that they can invest in their house. But, it can all go away in a second if a thief breaks into your house and steals (or destroys) your belongings. Crime rates are steadily increasing and no one can say for sure, if their home is safe and secure. Unfortunately, burglaries and instances of housebreaking have become all too common today.
If you want to protect your home from such untoward instances, you should definitely buy a
home insurance policy. Furthermore, we are happy to inform you that Reliance General Insurance offers a comprehensive home insurance policy, which covers burglary and housebreaking.. This insurance policy is designed to protect your house from financial losses you may incur in case your home is targeted by burglars or thieves.
Our house insurance policy broadly covers damages or losses sustained to an insured's house by burglary or housebreaking, including damages to the premises and risk of hold-ups.