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Things You Should Know About Cataract

​You all must be aware of the word ‘Cataract.’ But when you think about cataract, your mind must conjure up images of surgery, financial loss, a troubled long recovery, and a feeling of dependency. Well, you would be amazed to see how much our medical technology has developed, which has made cataract surgery quick, simple, and safe. However, it is also costly, that’s why it is advisable to buy health insurance plans. We at Reliance General Insurance provide health insurance that will take care of the expenses occurred due to cataract surgery. Given below is everything that you should know about cataract:

What Is Cataract?

A cataract is characterized by a clouding of the eye’s lens that results in cloudy or blurred vision. If it is not treated on time, it will develop into more serious vision problems. A cataract is common among people who are more than 50 years old, however, young people can also have this disease. This disease develops when protein builds up in the natural lens of the eyes. 


A person suffering from cataract will experience below mentioned signs and symptoms: 

  • ​Blurred, dim, or clouded vision
  • Frequent change of the number of prescribed eyeglass or contact lens
  • Seeing halos around lights
  • Difficulty in vision especially at nights
  • Fading or yellowing of colors
  • Highly sensitive to glare and light
  • Can’t read or do other activities in dim light

  • The above-mentioned symptoms highly depend on the type of cataract person haves. However, if you have any of the above-mentioned symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately. 

    Types Of Cataracts

    1. ​​​​​Subcapsular Cataract:

      This type of cataract develops at the back of the eye lens. This type of cataract is more common in people that have diabetes or take a high dosage of steroids.

    2. ​​​Nuclear Cataract:

      This type of cataract develops with age and occurs deep in the central zone of the eye lens.

    3. ​​​Cortical Cataract:

      white wedge-like opacities start from the periphery of the eye lens, which moves inwards towards the center in the form of a spoke, and thus causes Cortical cataract.​

    Treatment – Cataract Surgery

    You don’t need to get admitted to the hospital for Cataract surgery. If you are healthy, this surgery will only take an hour or two to complete. You can get treated from our network hospital, which you will get access to if you have a health insurance plan​. Also, know that this illness is not covered for the first two years of the policy period. Therefore, you should make sure to buy health insurance early in you lifetime. 

    For the surgery, your eye surgeon will put local anesthesia drops inside your eyes so that your eyes get numb. With the help of a modern laser, a tiny incision is made near the cornea. This breaks cataract and your eye surgeon will gently take it out of your eyes. After this, a new lens will be inserted, that will give you a cleaner and clearer vision again.

    Precautions After The Surgery

  • ​You should avoid activities that will require you to use your strength, especially during the first-week post-surgery.
  • Keep your eyes away from water.
  • Stay home for at least a week.
  • Don’t take part in any activity that will expose your eyes to dust, pollen, or other contaminants that might irritate your eyes.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes.